I haven't posted in awhile, but in all honesty, there hasn't been much happening. I'm still pregnant, but not visibly, which is 100% fine with me. We still haven't told anyone.
We are supposed to tell our families this weekend though, and I am pretty nervous about it. I'd say I'm dreading it, in fact. I don't know how anyone is going to react. I don't know if there will be a big reaction or just a "oh, nice" type reaction. I wonder if anyone will be unhappy. I know my father-in-law will be happy, but who knows about my mother-in-law. I can't imagine either of them really expressing a lot of emotion.
I just want to get it over with, I guess. My big fear is that my in-laws will suddenly want to become more involved in our lives now that they know there will be a grandchild. I'm honestly not too keen on that. They are nice and everything, but they're just so different from my family. I am not comfortable around them, even though we've been married for 6 years now. I don't think I ever really will be comfortable.
Since we're about to announce the big news, I told Rob yesterday that under no circumstances were his parents going to be staying at our house after the baby is born. I really can't deal with that. I know they will probably want to come down, but they need to know that they aren't going to be using our house as a free hotel. And I'm definitely not putting up with their dog. I don't like dogs in the first place and theirs is a total attention whore.
I realize all of this probably makes me sound like a huge jerk. I guess, when it comes to my in-laws, I am. I tend to hold grudges and between them taking back the money they promised us for our wedding (Which they did at the last second, when it was too late to change any of the plans, claiming they were too short on money to contribute... that same year they hosted an exchange student, bought a truck and bought an RV. Any one of those things cost more than what they had promised us.) and my mother-in-law basically inviting herself to live with us for over a year, I just have a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to them. I'm worried about how having a baby is going to change things with them. I'm content with seeing them as much as we do. But, I worry we'll end up having to see them a lot more. No one talks when we are at their house visiting. It honestly weirds me out. I like loud people, I guess.
So, ANYWAY... pregnancy is still weird for me. I've heard the heartbeat and had an ultrasound. It should seem real, but it doesn't. I haven't gained weight yet, luckily, and for the most part I'm not all that hungry. I'll often spend a lot of time anticipating a meal, only to not want to eat it when it happens. That happened with our anniversary dinner last weekend. The food was awesome, but I just didn't have any appetite for it. But, I am only 13 weeks, which means there's still a long way to go.
I hope this weekend goes well. I'm really ready for it to be over. I think it will be a relief once the cat is out of the bag. Maybe.