Hi! I'm Nikki, the person behind all of the nonsense that comprises this blog. I'm 32 years old and I live in the Chicago suburbs. I'm marred to my wonderful husband, Rob, who puts up with my constantly changing dietary needs and exercise plans along with non-stop home improvement projects.
If you're wondering about the blog title, it's a quote from Gone With The Wind. I love that movie, but also, I think "I'll think about that tomorrow," pretty well summarizes how many of us feel about starting a diet or making changes to our lifestyle. I'm a pretty big procrastinator, personally. Not about everything, but definitely about things I don't enjoy (like working out).
I decided to start (another) blog because lately I'm in a serious rut when it comes to my goal of losing weight. There is a lot in my life that I would like to change, but my weight has always been the #1 thing. I've lost weight before, many times, but I've never managed to keep it off. Blogging helped a lot with my previous attempts so I am back at it again here. When I'm not looking for my next diet or exercise routine, I'm creating things. After joining Pinterest, the list of projects I'd like to try is unending, so I'll probably post about those here as well, to share how things have turned out.
I currently work for a bank in Chicago, so that keeps me busy during the work week. I have a love/hate relationship with my job; I love the salary, don't so much love the work; I hate getting up early, but need the routine in order to stay on track. A career change is something I've desired for a long time, but first things first, right?
Anyway, welcome to my small corner of the internet. Hopefully you'll find this interesting or entertaining. If nothing else, you'll probably learn whether some of the crafts you've been eyeing on Pinterest are worth the effort. :)
Follow me on Pinterest (I comment on the pins I've tried, even when I don't blog about them here).
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