My weight is still up from the weekend so I probably won't have any loss this week. Actually, it's looking like I'll have gained since I'm at 194.2 right now and I was at 191.8 last week. Boo. I checked my measurements on Sunday and there hasn't been any change there, so I don't know where the 2 pounds went, but I guess they aren't just water weight or bloat this time. That's sad. :(
I was thinking yesterday, as I refilled my pill box, that I am taking a ridiculous number of supplements. It's not that I can't sustain it (although I forget about them nearly 100% of the time when I'm not at work), but it just seems crazy that a person would need so many additional things every day. Right now I'm taking:
- NatureThroid - Thyroid hormones, this is my only prescription and I take it first thing in the morning
- AdrenaStim Cream - This is for adrenal fatigue; I use it in the mornings
- ImmuZyme - I just have this from when I went to a naturopath a year ago and want to use it up; it's supposed to help with the immune system
- Kelp Tablets - For iodine; I've had these awhile and just want to use them up
- Milk Thistle - For liver support and I've read this is good to take while trying to conceive and to prevent morning sickness during pregnancy
- B-6 - I have these because a doctor told me taking B-6 could help prevent migraines, so I'm trying to use them up
- InterFase Plus - Enzymes to hopefully help with digestion
- FolaPro - Methylfolate, which I take because apparently I have a gene mutation which makes it difficult to make use of folic acid and folic acid is important while trying to conceive and during pregnancy; recommended by my current doctor
- Methylcobalamin B-12 - My current doctor told me I'm B-12 deficient and that this is the form I should take
- AdrenaCalm Cream - Also for adrenal fatigue; I use this one at night
- Probiotics - I take one each night
- Magnesium Citrate - I take 200 mg each night before bed; supposedly it helps prevent migraines
So, wow, that is quite a list, right? It seems insane to me that there is so much wrong with my body that I need all of that supplementation. The even more insane part is that I have even more vitamins in my cabinet that I don't take. Namely fish oil, calcium, iron, and vitamin D. I'm low on vitamin D so I need to start taking it, but honestly, there's no room left in my little pill box! I'll replace the B-6 with it once I've used it up though (28 more days). I'm also using the adrenal creams now just because I have them and want to use them up. Once they're gone, they won't be replaced. Same with the probiotics. That leaves me with six things I will continue to take plus I should be taking the fish oil and vitamin D. So, eight things I'm supposed to take every day. That is nuts... Is this what healthy people really do?
The other thing on my mind right now is that I need a new pair of black flats. I am not sure what to buy because I really tend to wear my shoes out fast. I tend to wear black flats a lot (4+ days a week) and I guess since I walk so much they just don't last. The pair I am replacing is less than a year old. They weren't super expensive, probably around $40, but still, I hate spending money on another pair when I liked the ones I had. I've already repaired them once (I did it myself), so now I know it's time for them to go. Any suggestions for a good quality brand that will last a long time?
That's all I've got for now. I plan to take the stairs after I do my shoe shopping at lunch, I guess. Still on nine floors; I'll probably add the 10th floor tomorrow. Have a good day!
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