I don't know if there's anyone else out there like me, but I find myself drawn to headlines about losing weight. Every time I see an article that claims to have weight loss tips I read it, especially if they claim the tips are new or things most people haven't tried. Inevitably though, I am disappointed because I have, in fact, tried those things already and know that they are ineffective.
Lately the tip I seem to be seeing more frequently is to "eat breakfast because skipping meals will make you ravenous and you'll over eat later." I find that to be particularly ridiculous, based on my personal experience. I'm much more likely to become ravenous if I skip lunch than if I skip breakfast. Whether I eat breakfast or not, my weight doesn't change anyway, so who cares? I'm also beyond sick of seeing the phrase "healthy whole grains" everywhere.
Really though, when I click these stories and blogs, what I want to find is a success story that I can relate to. I've never found one. I want to see that someone who has been overweight their entire life has lost weight without recording every single thing they ate and without exercising an insane amount. Oh, they have to have kept the weight off, too. So far, I've never found that. The only times I've lost weight I pretty much recorded everything I ate, I exercised an insane amount, and of course, I gained it back anyway. I feel like there really is just no hope for me. :(
In that vein, the past 4 days were another diet disaster. I need to stay away from my family if I'm ever going to lose weight. My mom turns events that could be fun and healthy into unhealthy binges, basically. I was with my parents on Saturday and Sunday. Dinner on Saturday? Fast food! Then on Sunday, I asked her to bring a side dish and she brought Chicken McNuggets again! The problem is that I like the taste of these unhealthy foods, so I cannot resist them when they're placed right in front of me. I eat them, then I regret it for a week and feel like crap. I really feel depressed right now because I've gained back up to 195.6 (from 191.8 on Friday). I'm depressed because this IS depressing!
I really need to find a way to truly take control. I feel out of control. I don't have the energy to exercise and the shortened days are already taking their toll on my mental state. I feel like I haven't seen the sun in weeks, even though I was outside on Saturday and a little on Sunday. My diet is out of control. My life feels out of control. I don't know if I want to get pregnant, lose weight, change jobs, or what. I want to do all of those things, but they are all in conflict with one another and it's very frustrating. You can't lose weight and be pregnant, for example. It's a bad idea to start a new business where you'll have no time off if you plan to have a child, for another. Really, pregnancy/having a child files in the face of two things I know I really want. But, I can postpone starting a business. I cannot postpone having a child much longer. And, as for weight loss, I'm pretty sure it is never going to happen for me anyway and I can't keep putting my life on hold for that alone.
Anyway, here's my biggest weight loss tip: If you have relatives that constantly sabotage your efforts, find a way to avoid them. I'm going to have to stay away from my mom for the foreseeable future if I want to feel better physically. Then, I'll have to find a way to let her in, but in settings that I can control. If she brings foods I can't eat to the house, they cannot be put out. Something like that. I'm so sick of working hard all week only to have everything I've worked for thrown away in 2 days. It is a very depressing cycle and I just can't take it anymore.
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