Thumping is in reference to my head... I got a migraine in the middle of the night last night. I've been getting a lot of migraines lately and I'm not sure why. My diet hasn't changed dramatically and a couple months ago I started taking magnesium religiously again. Migraines are the worst; I really wish I could figure out what is causing them so I could eliminate it once and for all. I did have some red wine last night, so maybe that was it, but it was only one glass and I drank it slowly (it took me about 2 hours to drink).
I ended up ordering those kefir grains yesterday. I hope I can make some good kefir from them and use that to help with my digestion. My digestion has been off for a couple years now. Previously it was something I basically never thought about. Now, I think about it everyday. That's how you know it is an issue, I guess, because if it wasn't I wouldn't be thinking about it. I miss those days of effortless digestion...
I also got Taking Charge of Your Fertility from the library yesterday. Oh my god, that book is enormous! It's about 300 pages and looks very intense and complicated... and this is coming from someone that only reads non-fiction books. I guess I was expecting a much smaller book with some basics about mesntrual cycles or something. I didn't anticipate anything so detailed. After looking at it I'm not sure if I care about my fertility enough to actually read it, but I will probably glance at it after I'm done with The Perfect Health Diet. I tried to get my husband to read it and give me a book report, but I have a feeling that won't be happening.
I finished reading Wheat Belly Total Health last week. My overall thoughts are that the book is good, but not great. If you haven't read the original Wheat Belly then I'd skip the original and read Total Health instead. If you've read Wheat Belly and paid attention to the blog or other paleo/primal blogs at all Total Health isn't going to include anything new. I guess that's why I am a little disappointed; there was nothing in the book I hadn't heard before. Plus, it was so heavy handed at being anti-carbohydrate that I just started getting annoyed. I've tried very low carb (VLC) diets and I generally just become very tired and don't lose any weight. Many people have told me that VLC combined with hypothyroid is bad news, yet Dr. Davis recommends VLC for people with hypothyroid symptoms. He does recommend that anyone with hypothyroid get medicated, but good luck with that! It took me over 10 years and 15 doctors to find ONE that would agree to give me thyroid medication. Even then, I am on the smallest dose possible and don't feel any different at all.
So, yeah, that's my spiel on Wheat Belly Total Health. I think it's a great intro book, but nothing special if you're already familiar with paleo/primal. I'm currently reading The Perfect Health Diet and also Rich Food, Poor Food, so eventually I'll be able to share my thoughts on those. I am not a fast reader and I basically only read when I'm on the train going to and from work, so it takes me a while to finish a book.
Other than reading I am cross stitching lately. I tend to go in cycles with my crafts... Right now, a lot of my husband's shows are on, so cross stitching is something I can do while he watches them so we can at least be in the same room for awhile. He's been working on making a game table, which will also be our kitchen table, for a long time and we both really want it done by Christmas. Honestly, I'd prefer it was done by Thanksgiving since we host Thanksgiving for both of our families and our current table is ugly. :) The result though is that he's always in the work shop in the evenings when he's not at Tae Kwon Do. I used to be in my respective work shop making jewelry, but I'm just not feeling it much lately. That pesky depression stuff, I guess.
Anyway, it's almost time for my weekend to start! I love it when I have a Friday (or any day) off!!
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