Another day, another weigh-in. I'm 192.0 again today and my waist is down a bit to 41.5". So, I suppose that is good news. I'm still not sure if I am pregnant; no change in that department. I took a second test yesterday that was negative. I feel fine with either outcome right now, I just wish I knew what was going on.
On Friday I am supposed to go out with my sister and friend. We're planning on going to this Mexican restaurant that is known for good margaritas. The margaritas are really the only reason to go there, so once again, I'll be in a scenario where drinking is expected and it will be very strange if I don't participate. I plan to take another test Friday morning. If it's negative, I guess I'll just enjoy the margaritas. If it's positive, I have no idea what I'll do. Maybe I can chase our waiter down and ask him to make it virgin or something. I'm not sure how I'll do that inconspicuously, but maybe I can pull it off. A virgin margarita... gross.
Since I started taking the stairs last week I've done it each work day. Today I increased to the 9th floor and I'll stick with that until next week unless it somehow becomes super easy. That isn't likely though, since I still need to minimize sweating due to being at work. Adding the one floor didn't make much difference though; as is always the case for me, the hardest part is my breathing. I have no idea what the problem is, but when I do any cardio type workout I find it tough to breathe. I'm always constricted by my heart rate/breathing and not by my muscles. Back when I was running 5ks my legs never hurt or burned during the runs. Same thing now with the stairs. I thought it was exercise asthma or something, but an inhaler didn't help at all.
Anyway, if it isn't obvious, this pregnancy stuff is weighing heavily on my mind. I just want to know. I'm very worried about gaining weight. I'm pretty hell-bent on losing down to at least 185 before the second trimester (and hopefully I can get lower than that) so that when I inevitably gain 10ish pounds, I'm not worse off than I am now. I cannot get over 200 pounds. It. Can. Not. Happen.
The bright spot on this pregnancy stuff is that my husband finally agreed to buy some furniture for one of our empty bedrooms. I'm pretty excited. We got it from Penny Mustard and it is REALLY nice. It's definitely higher quality than any other furniture we have (and has the price tag to go with that, unfortunately). So far we got the dresser, mirror and night stand. I'll admit, the style isn't what I would have picked if I could have picked anything in the universe, but I think it is sort of kid-ish with the exaggerated tapered legs and yet I can make it work in a regular guest room too in the future (or now). We got a very good deal on these since one of the stores is moving. Here are some pictures:
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The mirror comes off so I won't arrange it like this in the room. |
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The nightstand has hidden drawers! :) |
The piece we haven't bought yet is the crib, mostly because the floor model was sold already. But, we do plan to get it. We're going to check the outlet store first, just in case. The crib converts to a full size bed, so I may set it up that way initially, just to keep my secret safe. No one who knows me would think it is even slightly odd that I bought a bedroom set like this on a whim. Luckily, I can decorate without any explanation. Anyway, here a picture of the crib:
We don't have the pieces yet and, apparently, we won't be getting them for about a month. That's fine though. I really want to paint the room and we need to figure some other furniture logistics out. Right now I have a friend's childhood bedroom set in the room we'd likely use as the nursery (the room closest to ours). The set is very 70s/80s looking, but it's also very solid. I'd like to get rid of it, but my husband thinks that is silly so we'll probably paint it instead. But, then there's the issue of moving it to the next room over, which is empty. If I buy new furniture and change the rooms that probably would cause suspicion. Plus, I will decorate the room differently for a boy/girl, so I need to know that before I can really go all out on the decorating. When it comes to decorating it's hard for me to slow down because I love doing it so much. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself though, especially since I am probably not pregnant at this very moment. I do think it's only a matter of time though.
Sorry this post is so disjointed. It's nice to think about something I love (decorating) instead of constantly obsessing about something I hate (my weight). I feel like I'm making progress on my weight though. I'm sure that is at least partially due to not drinking, so that's the upside to pregnancy preparation or whatever it's called.
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