So, just now, I decided to join a diet bet. I had heard of Diet Bet before, but I never considered joining one mostly because I didn't think a few dollars could really motivate me. If you don't know how it works, it is pretty interesting, I think. What you do is bet some amount of money and then you have a fixed amount of time to lose a certain percentage of your weight. For example, you bet $20 and then you have 4 weeks to lose 4% of your body weight. If you hit your goal, you and everyone else in the bet that hit the goal split the pot. If you don't hit your goal, you lose your money. According to the site most people get between 1.5 and 2 times what they bet and they guarantee you will get at least your original bet back if you hit your goal (they waive their fees if many participants hit the goal).
I joined Shaun T's diet bet. I know nothing about Shaun T, but I've gathered that he's the guy behind the P90 Insanity program. I joined his bet because it has a large pool, so I'm guessing there's a potential to win at least $20 (over the original bet amount of $30) and I his challenge is a 4 week, 4% challenge. There are other bets out there that are longer, but I really don't think I can commit long term right now. Particularly since I am still reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility and trying to get pregnant. But, even if I were 4 weeks pregnant, I could lose 4% of my body weight.
Diet bet is interesting. I'm not sure that a $30 bet will motivate me, but I do tend to be a little competitive, so maybe it will. I like that it is a short time frame and a manageable amount of weight to lose. The bet starts on October 22nd, which is a Wednesday. That is nice because it means the final day is also a Wednesday and a day I would normally weigh-in. Also, while I'll still try to lose weight in the next 6 days, if I were to stay at the same weight hitting the goal would put me right at 185, which gets me out of the obese category and is a personal goal number for me. So, that's cool. Hopefully the competition will motivate me. I think it will. I don't have much to lose since $30 isn't a huge amount to me.
The other thing nagging at me lately has been exercise. I have been doing sprints a couple times a week and I've taken the stairs at least once a day at work. It's really not an impressive amount of exercise. I want to do something more, but I just can't figure out what. I'd like to include more weight lifting as I believe strength training is key to health, but I don't know, I am just bored with it. I have all these weights in my gym, but using them seems very boring and like a lot of work. I wish I had more Crossfit-style equipment as I would like to work up to doing a pull-up, but I don't have that stuff or the space for it. Somehow curling my 25 pound dumbbells just doesn't appeal to me anymore. I need some weight lifting inspiration, I guess. I'm open to ideas on that front...
Anyway, I mentioned in another post that I ordered kefir grains. I got them and started some kefir. It's REALLY easy. I just put the grains in a glass jar and poured about 2 cups of milk on top of them. Then I placed the lid on the jar (didn't tighten it) and let it sit there on the counter. About a day later I poured it through a strainer into another jar and then repeated the process with the grains I strained out. The kefir I made though... I don't know, it doesn't taste that great. It is not as sour or as thick as the store bought stuff I have tried and it tastes different. A little woody, I would say. I drank some anyway though and I'm not sick or anything, actually, my gut feels pretty good today. So, I don't know if this is just how homemade kefir tastes, or if it's because I used sort of old milk. I guess I'll find out tomorrow since I used brand new milk in the batch I started last night. I think I need to give it a couple days, too, so it's a little thicker.
In other news, I think I may be hooked on KIND Bars. I've been buying them when I needed a snack lately and they are really tasty and seem to actually be pretty healthy (no weird ingredients I can't pronounce and more importantly, not a ton of sugar). I just ordered some more of the dark chocolate, nuts and sea salt bars. The price on Amazon is much better than what I have been paying at Walgreens to buy the bars individually, so that's nice. I think I may also buy the dark chocolate chili almond ones. I didn't realize they had chili in them when I bought them at Walgreens, but it turns out that the chili is awesome. They are more money, but I can't stop thinking about them so it's probably worth it, right?
I suppose I should get to work now; I really don't want to work when I'm in a good mood though, funny how that is...
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