Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Thoughts

I'm so happy it is Friday, as I am every single week. This Friday is particularly nice because my boss is not in the office today, so I just feel more free to come and go.  There's not a ton of work to do right now and, frankly, I cannot focus anyway.

I have a lot on my mind, I guess.  I'm holding at 193 the past 2 days and my waist may be 1/2" smaller (so back to 42").  That's good, I suppose, even though 193 isn't exactly anything to go nuts about.  What is really is on my mind is that I might be pregnant.  There.  I said it. 

I'm obviously not normal about this stuff.  I'm 32 years old, well off financially, basically at a point where I'm bored with my life as it is and my husband and I made a very deliberate decision to try.  I had a Paragard IUD for 8 years that I got removed on August 25th.  My husband and I both come from fertile families, so I knew it wouldn't take much to become pregnant, and I think I may have been right.  I'm only 3 days late (really closer to 5 because I usually start spotting before; I haven't been late like this, umm, ever?). Honestly, I don't even want to take a test because I'm afraid of what it will say.  I'm going to a wedding tomorrow with my sisters; they will notice if I don't drink anything and how will I explain it?  

So, here's where me being totally weird comes in.  No one close to me besides my husband knows we were even considering having a baby.  Not my mom, not my sisters, not my closest friends.  I haven't told anyone we were thinking about it because it's so outside of how I see myself, I guess.  I'm afraid of how it will change my relationships with everyone.  I know my parents and in-laws will be happy, but I'm not so sure about my friends.  

Here's the other way I know I'm weird.  I just can't picture myself pregnant.  I can't picture having a baby at all, really.  I want to do it whenever I'm around my nephew and small cousin, but I don't know, all of my friends are single and nowhere near ready for kids.  I don't think most of them will ever have children.  From that perspective I can't imagine being around them with a kid.  It's going to be such a change...

I downloaded some app for my phone and I was reading a message board.  Every other post is a woman freaking out that she's losing her baby, having a miscarriage, etc.  I was looking at a board of women due in June 2015, so these women cannot be more than 5 weeks pregnant.  Meanwhile, I have no idea how to feel about being pregnant either way.  I'm afraid to take a test because then it's real.  I made a very conscious decision to try and get pregnant though.  If it didn't happen right now, I don't think I'd be super upset because, at this point, I don't even know.  I certainly don't feel anything physically.  How can these women be so upset about something that, at most, they have known about for a couple weeks?  Aren't the first few weeks always tenuous?  Of course this is all making me sound like an insensitive bitch.  I know most 32 year olds don't get pregnant by having sex two times, the way I may have.  Even so, it's such a life altering thing, how can anyone be so sure that they want it?  

Anyway, this is all to say that my mind isn't 100% focused on my weight currently.  I still want to lose weight.  The thing about pregnancy that really terrifies me is that I will probably gain weight.  I don't think I can mentally handle it if I'm over 200 pounds.  I will freak out and probably be in a very dark place emotionally if that happens.  Hopefully I can lose some weight early or something... I don't know.  

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